Ottawa 哮喘 Relief 清洁服务 | Enviropure-优德游戏app

空气擦洗过敏 & 哮喘


Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification
Amdecon certified biohazard specialist certification
ABRA Certified Bio-Recovery Technician Seal
A large black mold buildup being cleaned by enviropure home services

渥太华空气洗涤 & 测试

患有过敏症是非常不舒服的——特别是如果你在自己家里经历过敏反应. 虽然我们可能会保持我们的家尽可能干净,我们可以尽我们的能力,有时 过敏原会积聚 你最不期待他们在哪里. 在Enviropure,我们使用各种方法,通过使用专业的空气质量技术来帮助控制过敏原. 这些技术专门用于隔离和去除空气中的霉菌, as well as other irritants which can trigger allergic reactions. 在过去的20年里, 加拿大的哮喘病例也在稳步增加,通过正确的预防性清洁措施,你可以预防哮喘症状的发生.

在Enviropure家庭服务公司, 我们消除过敏反应和哮喘症状的最常见原因,包括:

  • 宠物毛屑
  • 花粉
  • Dustmites
  • 模具

Make sure you are comfortable in your own home, and get allergens removed by Enviropure Home 服务.



需要清洗地毯吗?? 寻找装修后的清理工作? Or maybe you just need a 彻底的 house cleaning. 今天优德游戏app免费评估!


我们的 客户不得不说


Enviropure has been cleaning my home for several months now. 的ir staff on the phone and in the home are courteous and professional. 的y bring all their own equipment and are in and out, but do a great job. I would highly recommend their service. 对于我的家人来说,他们承担了清洁的负担,这让我们有更多的时间在一起.


Recently signed up with this company and they are great. We received enough cleans to say they are ALWAYS on time. 他们进进出出,不会造成任何干扰,如果你因为COVID而在家工作,这是很好的 . 这些年我找了好几家干洗店,最后终于找到了一家长期合作的公司. 强烈推荐!


Enviropure did an outstanding job cleaning our house before we moved in. 这些电器看起来是崭新的. 它们覆盖了房子的每个角落,甚至是我们认为它们无法到达的地方. 我们对此印象深刻.

Marc Langill

We’ve had carpet cleaners at our home and business for years. This is however the first time Ottawa’s Enviropure services were used. 格里和克里斯准时、专业,对最小的细节都很细心. 的 result was by far the best cleaning the carpet has ever had. Before they arrived, we were considering replacing the carpet with hardwood. However after they were done, it looks sooo much better. We are definitely staying with carpet as well as having this company back again. 基于他们出色的地毯清洁,我一定会推荐他们的服务.


I recently used Enviropure to do a deep clean, 他们做得很棒, they were very professional and worked hard. 他们把公寓装修得像新的一样! 的y are trustworthy and I would definitely recommend them, I will be continuing to use them on a bi-weekly basis, if I could I would give them a 10 star rating. From beginning to end they were terrific. 谢谢蒂娜, 理查德。, Bob and Matt and everyone who worked so hard, 多么伟大的团队和公司啊!!!!

Enviropure Home Cleaners smile next to their cleaning equipment

Experience Our Residential Allergy Deep Clean Package

Experiencing the symptoms of allergies in your home but unsure what to do? Enviropure家庭服务公司在渥太华提供住宅过敏深度清洁包. Whether you are moving into a new home or property, 或者正在经历由家里现有的触发因素引起的过敏发作, the deep-clean package is an excellent choice. 的 过敏的干净整洁 包包括:

  • 深层清洁
  • HEPA-filtration设备
  • 所有植物表面消毒
  • Air Scrubber to Filter Out Airborne Particulate
  • 高效空气过滤器(HEPA)吸尘通风口

You needn’t continue to suffer from allergies at home. Get in touch with Enviropure Home today!

An Enviropure home cleaner wipes down a counter

专业空气质素测试 & 清理霉菌

认为你家里的空气质量可能是你过敏反应的罪魁祸首? 许多人都会受到室内空气污染物的轻微到严重的刺激,尤其是霉菌. 在Enviropure家庭服务公司, we can provide professional 空气质素测试 为您的家庭测试是否有害污染物,包括霉菌潜伏在你的空气. 除了空气质量检测, 我们还提供一流的除霉服务和空气质量改善服务, 如:

  • Regular cleaning of your home using natural cleaning products, pure natural disinfectants and hypo-allergenic products
  • 深层清洁
  • HEPA filtration vacuuming: this captures and contains dust and allergens
  • Air scrubbing: this purifies and filters the air in your home
  • 床垫卫生:蒸汽清洗
  • UV-C light technology: to kill dust mites and allergens
  • Vaportek技术:使用干蒸汽和天然精油来中和气味
  • 地毯的蒸汽清洗 室内装潢:所有织物和材料的深层清洁和热水萃取



经常 问问题

Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Enviropure today.

While we can’t diagnose your allergies, 已经证明了, 过敏和家里或其他建筑物内的过敏诱因之间的统计联系. 如果你正在经历过敏, we would encourage to speak with your family doctor or general practitioner, 他们会给你介绍过敏专家(他们的很多服务都在OHIP医保范围内). 一旦你被确诊, 然后我们就可以开始工作,确定你家里或办公室里潜在的过敏触发源. This includes air quality testing (for mold, dust and/or other particulates; as well as air scrubbing and 彻底的 home cleaning or office cleaning services in Ottawa and surrounding communities.

HEPA filters come in different shapes, sizes, configurations and products. 为了我们的目的, we offer HEPA filtration equipment as part of our 过敏的干净整洁 package, which covers HEPA vacuuming of air vents as well as air filters, 等. HEPA stands for “High Efficiency Particulate Air,” and it is used in a variety of applications such as air filters, vacuum bags and other types of contamination control. To carry its designation, a HEPA filter must trap 99.97%的微粒0.3微米或更大. 如果你有过敏症, HEPA过滤器是你的朋友,因为它们比传统过滤器含有更多的颗粒和污染物.

宠物毛屑 can be a major contributor to allergies. 不幸的是,有些人对皮肤细胞中的蛋白质有过敏反应, 猫的唾液或尿液, 狗和其他宠物. 在大多数情况下, 对某些动物过敏的人仍然可以和他们的宠物一起生活, 多亏了过敏药物和其他治疗方法的帮助-结合一致, 彻底的, 家庭的宗教大扫除. 如果你患有宠物过敏,并且家里有多年积累的宠物皮屑, call on Enviropure’s allergy cleaning in Ottawa. 我们进行深度清洁,去除所有宠物皮屑,这样你就能呼吸得更好. Want to hire us after that for regular or periodic cleaning? 伟大的想法! 我们将帮助保持宠物皮屑海湾,这样你或你的家人可以更好地呼吸.

是的,可以! 不幸的是,对于过敏患者, pollen and other allergy triggers that are otherwise found outside (flowers, 树, 草, 等.) can and do make their way into homes and offices as well. 这是怎么发生的?? 的 most likely culprit is open windows, patio doors, 等. 每个人都喜欢春天或夏天微风吹进屋子的感觉. 然而,过敏患者也知道这些微风会引发过敏. 即使所有的窗户都关着, allergy triggers such as pollen can enter the house through other pores, 包括暖通空调空气交换, 等. 我们的过敏清洁和深层清洁可以帮助摆脱多年来积累的花粉和其他过敏诱因!

干净的宗教! 相信我们, 我们在家里和办公室里看到了一些疯狂的过敏诱因——从花粉到宠物皮屑等等. Even when you hire Enviropure for regular home cleaning, 你会想要通过定期清洁和吸尘来控制这些过敏诱因.

比现在更频繁地清洗毛巾和床上用品——至少每周一次, 如果不是更多的话. 擦窗户, blinds and drapes – allergens can accumulate more here, be it pollen from the outdoors and/or pet dander from indoor pets.

Also, control moisture wherever possible. This will help keep away mold and mildew. Bathrooms are a big source of moisture. Basements also tend to see higher amounts of moisture. 需要时使用除湿机.

